Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Project Green Challenge finalists trip to San Francisco!

To highlight one of the biggest events of last semester (Project Green Challenge), our very own Jessica wrote a small summary of her experience as a finalist in San Francisco!

"I arrived late Thursday night in San Francisco and was brought to my new home for the weekend, The Monaco Hotel. After meeting my roommate Danielle from Skidmore, I went to sleep. 

Friday we were taken to have breakfast with an executive from Kimpton Hotels in the Sir Frances Drake Hotel. Afterwards we were driven to Cavallo Point, an old Naval port, where we meet the executive chef of the resort. While we were there we had salad and smoothie making workshops and ended our time there with a makeover. From there we were taken to Marin Day School for our final stop of the evening and were the rest of the festivities of the weekend took place. Our final stop was a welcoming dinner for the finalist with all of TTG's sponsors including a key note speaker, Ken Cook, president and founder of the Environmental Working Group. 

Saturday we witnessed over ten Ted Talks from scientists and leaders of the environmental movement. In between talks we were able to have small group discussions with each speaker. 

On the last day, Sunday, we started the day with action groups where we came up with concrete actions we can bring back to each of our schools and ways for TTG to become a more globally known organization.  After this we prep and gave or presentations to a group of esteemed judges. Once the winner was choose we all spent the evening relaxing and sleeping before all of our early flights the next day."

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