Monday, March 30, 2015

Project Green Tours Whole Foods!

We recently had the fabulous opportunity to receive a tour of our local Whole Foods! We went around the store talking with the head of each department as well as learning about the budget friendly options in each department.  It was extremely informative as to the products Whole Foods carries and how it illustrates their values of sustainable, healthy food.  It was almost extremely helpful because it showed all of us that even as college students, we too can afford sustainable, healthy food options!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Recipe: Chicken Quinoa Enchilada Bake!

A Pinterest inspired recipe with a few of our own tweaks! 

You will need: 
  1. Quinoa of your choice 
  2. Organic Tomato Basil Pasta Sauce (or a any type of semi-plain tomato sauce)
  3. Organic Black Beans 
  4. Organic Vegetables of your choice (we used 1 red bell pepper, 1 white onion, 1 avocado)
  5. Organic Free-Range Chicken Breast (not pictured) 
  6. Chili Powder 
  7. Cheese (we used the Nacho Cheese mix) 
  8. Large casserole pan 
  1. Make the Quinoa as directed on the box 
  2. Cook the chicken with olive oil and then shred it using two forks 
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the Tomato sauce with as much chili powder as you would like (this makes an enchilada sauce), but keep in mind to mix enough for both the chicken and a thin layer on top of the quinoa
  4. Mix the shredded chicken with some of the sauce mixed in the previous step in a separate bowl
  5. Sautée the bell pepper and onion (Or vegetables of your choosing)
  6. Put the finished Quinoa at the bottom of the pan and place a layer of the sauce you mixed in step 3 on top 
  7. Put the shredded chicken on top of the sauce 
  8. Place the beans and Sautéed veggies on top of the chicken 
  9. Put as much as cheese as needed and place in the oven on BROIL until the cheese is melted
  10. Serve with raw onion, avocado and even add lettuce to make a filling salad! 

*** This can also very easily be made vegan or vegetarian! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Spotlight: Hemp Can Save The World!

Our topic of the week is Hemp! Hemp is currently illegal to grow in the United States, however, it could meet many of our everyday needs.
Here are some basic facts:
  • Hemp is ready for harvest 120 days after it is planted
  • Hemp as an alternative to trees:
      • 1 acre of hemp will produce as much paper as 2-4 acres of trees
      • It can be recycled more than tree-based paper
      • requires less toxic materials to produce
      • can produce fiberboard (an alternative to wood)

    • Hemp as an alternative to cotton:
      • grows in all 50 states
      • requires no pesticides/herbicides and little amounts of fertilizer/water
      • 1 acre of hemp annually will produce as much as 2-3 acres of cotton

    • Hemp as an alternative to plastic:
      • It can produce it’s own form of eco-friendly plastic substitutes

    • Hemp as an alternative food source:
      • Hemp seed is more environmentally and economically friendly alternative than soybean protein

    • Hemp as an alternative fuel source:
      • potential to become a major source of ethanol fuel
      • Hemp seed oil can be used to produce non-toxic diesel fuel, paint, varnish,detergent, ink and lubricating oil

    • Hemp as an alternative building source material:
      • can be made into insulation
      • ‘hempcrete’ is an alternative to concrete - a stronger, lighter, and more environmentally friendly version of concrete

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Recipe: Kale Salad

Our very own Danielle made a wonderful kale salad and she is sharing the recipe with us!

Kale Salad

Tear up one bunch of kale into very small bits or strips and put in a large bowl. 
Add 3 tablespoons of toasted sesame seeds, 3 tablespoons of pine nuts, and 4 tablespoons of dried cranberries. 
In a separate small bowl, whisk together ¼ cup of rice wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons of toasted sesame oil, and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. 

Letting the salad sit in the fridge for a while will allow the kale to absorb more flavor from the dressing, which makes it even more delicious!